Passmaneria Pon Grosso Big 25 Mm Frangia High 35 mm
2114 col. Tortora 356
Pon Pon Grosso Big 25 Mm High 35mm
Female 1 C
price per meter
Buying more Quantity the Cutting Will Be Delivery Full
(1 Quantity Equival to 1 Metro)
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Passmaneria Pon Grosso Big 25 Mm Frangia High 35 mm
price per meter
Buying more Quantity the Cutting Will Be Delivery Full
(1 Quantity Equival to 1 Metro)
Usage: Mantovana, Calate, Tenda, Caravan, Tappezzeria, Bastone
Usage: Jackets, Sweatshirts, T-shirts, Bags, Dresses, Jeans, Boots, Sweatshirt.
Usage: Clothing Bags, Shoes, Bags, Accessories
Usage: Jewellery, Bracelets, Accessories.
100% polyester